With freeways heading north from Melbourne it is possible to visit the inland slopes of the Great Dividing Range in a day. North of the divide, the rainfall is lower and the habitats open out allowing for easy birding. 

A different suite of species occur here in the “box-ironbark” country to what is found in southern Victoria. A wide range of Honeyeaters occur, taking advantage of year around nectar supplies including the three classic box ironbark species (Yellow-tufted, Fuscous and Black-chinned). Diamond Firetail, Southern Whiteface, Red-capped and Hooded Robins, and Gilberts Whistler all occur on the granite outcrops in the region, and pockets of mallee country support Shy Heathwren, Variegated Fairy-wren, Inland Thornbill and yet more Honeyeaters (Purple-gaped, White-fronted, Yellow-plumed and Tawny-crowned).  In early spring cuckoos abound with the scarce Black-eared a possibility. In summer Rainbow Bee-eaters and flocks of various Woodswallows arrive to breed. 

And in winter the birding is just as good with many southern birds calling this home for the winter and nectar producing trees attracting four species of Lorikeet and the endangered Swift Parrot. Amongst a wide range of other species, past tours have located Crested Bellbird, Square-tailed Kite, Spotted Quail-thrush, Painted Honeyeater, Powerful Owl, Crested Shrike-tit, Restless Flycatcher and Southern Scrub-robin.  Quality birding, any time of the year, on the sunny side of the ranges touring quiet rural areas  

Cost $390 for 1-2 people, plus $50 for each extra person, includes drinks and snacks, lunch not included