EMU (Dromaius novauhollandiae)
Emus may still be seen through the west of the state and in Gippsland but are now absent from most of central Victoria (except for the Murray river floodplains). Being essentially a grazer they inhabit a wide range of habitats and are often seen in farmland adjacent to natural bushland. Some good areas to see wild Emu include the Grampians National Park in western Victoria where they are common and regularly feed in surrounding farmland. They are also widespread throughout the mallee country of north-west Vic. The Mournpall track through Hattah NP is quite reliable as are the more open areas of Wyperfeld NP. A re-established population occurs at the Puckapunyal army training base near Heathcote where they may be observed from the Seymour-Tooborac road. They are also widespread throughout the mountains and foothills of central and east Gippsland. A population at Serendip sanctuary near Lara is not considered self-sustaining and is restricted to the sanctuary.
MALLEEFOWL (Leipoa ocellata)
The Malleefowl is the world’s only megapode to live in an arid zone. They incubate their eggs in a large nest mound full of compost, but also use the sun’s heat as the compost dries later in summer. They are a scarce and cryptic bird of the mallee in the north west of Victoria. They reach their highest concentrations in areas long unburnt, where there is a mature shrub layer and plenty of leaf litter.They occur in all the larger mallee parks as well as isolated populations at Wychitella Flora and Fauna reserve near Wedderburn and in the Mt Arapiles/Tooan State Park. Finding a Malleefowl whilst walking through its habitat is not an easy task, especially as they tend to melt away before you get near them. Many sightings are made from tracks/roads through their habitat and they do use adjacent crops at certain times. The southern section of Wyperfeld NP, Wathe reserve east of Wyperfeld and Wandown reserve east of Annuello all have relatively high populations. They also occur throughout the mallee vegetation of Hattah NP and Murray-Sunset NP albeit at lower densities. Finding an active nest mound may increase your chance of a sighting, but waiting near one is not recommended as it is likely to keep the birds away from their important nesting duties. Slow driving along tracks through mature open mallee woodland habitat, in the early morning and later in the day, is as good as any way to spot this bird.
An active Malleefowl nest mound
STUBBLE QUAIL (Coturnix pectoralis)
Stubble Quail are a tricky bird to see, not due to rarity, but since the vast majority of the places they frequent are private land. Heard more than seen, they call during the spring and summer breeding season, triggered by good rains. They prefer treeless grasslands, especially native grasslands, weedy crop stubble, and sometimes salty samphire areas.They also utilise irrigated crops such as lucerne. Modern cropping methods with chemical weed control have reduced their numbers.
Grassland reserves on the northern plains such as in the Terrick Terrick NP and the Bael Bael grasslands support Stubble Quail year around, though their numbers vary from year to year. They have a tendency to come out onto roadside verges at dusk, and spotlighting in a grassland is one way to see this bird on the ground. They can be quite common in the grassland areas at the Western Treatment Plant at Werribee. They are readily identified from the Brown Quail by the bold pale shafts on the back. Brown Quail prefer tall denser shrubby grasslands often near water.
MAGPIE GOOSE (Anseranas semipalmata) :
The Magpie Goose is in its own monotypic family Anseranatidae, and shows some similarities with the Screamers of South America including only partly webbed feet and strong hind toes. They have a conspicuous knob on the top of their head, which varies a lot in size, older males have the largest knobs ! Once common in Victoria they were made extinct through hunting and destruction of their wetlands, however they are now making a slow resurgance. They were bred at Serendip sanctuary just west of Melbourne and released from there. Some 1-2 thousand birds now come and go from this site, with most present in summer. They are now appearing from time to time at a multitude of other wetlands through western and northern VIctoria for example Lake Purrumbete near Camperdown, Lake Wendouree near Ballarat and Kow Swamp near Cohuna.
FRECKLED DUCK (Stictonetta naevosa)
Australia’s rarest endemic duck, the Freckled Duck numbers perhaps only around 20 thousand birds across the continent. Taxonomically Freckled Duck is in its own monotypic genus, unlike any other duck. It shares some physiological features with Swans and the Magpie Goose and may be a primitive ancestor of modern ducks,geese and swans. The population in Victoria varies greatly from year to year. They are present in most years, particularly in summer. They prefer freshwater wetlands to brackish ones, and like to feed in shallow water. Many of their favoured wetlands are ephemeral, drying up for varying time frames so conditions can change quickly. Keeping an eye on the Birdline Victoria website is one way to track these birds down. Lake Borrie in the WTP at Werribee has some most summers. Lake Drysdale and Lake Lorne on the Bellarine peninsula are fairly reliable too, and depending on conditions any number of lakes in northern and western Victoria can hold these birds. Lake Guyatt near Sale is a regular site in Gippsland. Without many obvious distinguishing plumage features at a distance, they are best picked out by their distinctive head and bill shape.
BLUE-BILLED DUCK (Oxyura australis) :
Another of the many endemic Australian waterfowl Blue-bills are the lone Aussie representative of the “Stifftail” group of ducks. They like well vegetated swamps with deep enough water. Breeding pairs can occupy quite small wetlands, whilst non breeding flocks of many hundreds occur at larger more open wetlands. The male performs a spectacular but rarely seen breeding display, out of season his brilliant blue bill fades to grey. Close to Melbourne they are regular at Jawbone reserve, Werribee WTP, Karkarook Park, Yan Yean reservoir and many other sites. Large numbers may gather at wetlands of the Western district and in the Kerang area
MUSK DUCK (Biziura lobata) :
The very strange Musk Duck has one of the most bizarre displays of any waterbird. The male, expands the leathery lobe hanging under his bill and points it outwards whilst fanning his tail and turning it against his back. He then sends jets of water out behind him with deliberate kicks of his feet, and makes a whistling call. To cap it off he emits a musky odour from his oil gland. Despite their stiff spiky tail they are not allied with the “Stiff-tails”. In their own genus Biziura, the stiff tail appears to be a case of convergent evolution. A diving duck that inhabits the deeper waters of lakes swamps and reservoirs throughout much of the state except the mallee and alpine regions. They also use tidal estuaries and bays. When threatened they tend to submerge like a submarine.
CAPE BARREN GOOSE (Cereopsis novaehollandiae)
The Cape Barren Goose mainly breeds on offshore islands, with some birds forming feeding flocks and visiting the mainland. They were hunted extensively during early settlement but their numbers are now recovering although they still remain quite rare, and fox predation keeps their numbers down on the mainland. They have been successfully re-introduced to Tower Hill game reserve near Warrnambool and to Serendip Sanctuary near Lara and have spread from these locations to surrounding areas. These include some of the western district lakes around Warrnambool, Lake Bolac and Colac, Lakelands park in Lara, Werribee river and mansion area, and the WTP at Werribee. Phillip island and French island are also excellent places to see Cape Barren Geese.
PINK-EARED DUCK (Malacorhynchus membranaceous)
Pink-eared Ducks are quite nomadic and adapted to taking advantage of shallow floodwaters across Australia. Their unusual bill has flaps of skin on each side to assist them with filter feeding in nutrient rich floodwaters. In drought periods large numbers can congregate at less productive but more permanent waterbodies. At a distance their small size and striped flanks are obvious, which gave rise to their rarely used common name Zebra Duck. Small numbers may occur on nearly any waterbody, Largest numbers typically occur in the dry of summer in the Western district lakes and the riverina and Murray belt. The Western Treatment Plant at Werribee also supports large numbers especially during drought.
LITTLE PENGUIN (Eudyptula minor ssp novaehollandiae)
Little Penguins are the world’s smallest and the only Australian mainland breeding Penguin species. They breed at a number of colonies along the Victorian coast and sometimes can be seen feeding just offshore during the day, or attending their breeding colonies just after dusk or pre dawn throughout the year. The famous Penguin parade at Phillip island is one way to guarantee seeing them. There is also a colony breeding on the St Kilda pier breakwater close to Melbourne’s CBD. Other colonies are on Gabo island (East Gippsland), islands of Wilsons Promontory, and along the western coastline for example in the rocks at the base of the Twelve Apostles lookout.
SHY ALBATROSS (WHITE-CAPPED ALBATROSS) (Thalassarche cauta ssp cauta)
Shy Albatross breed off Tasmania and New Zealand, and are present in inshore and offshore waters throughout the year, with lower numbers in summer. This and Black-browed Albatross are the two commonest inshore species likely to be seen from land. They occur right along the Victorian coast from Bastion Point at Mallacoota to the far south west at Cape Nelson. Other sites in-between worth looking from include Cape Schanck on the Mornington peninsula, Point Lonsdale on the Bellarine peninsula, Pt Addis and Split Point on the Surf Coast.
Compared with a Black-browed they are a little larger, slightly paler in the upperparts (dark grey rather than blackish) and the underwing only has a very narrow black margin. Closer views reveal a greyish bill, unlike the yellow of an adult Black-browed or blackish of a juvenile. The small black notch at the base of the underwing is diagnostic
BLACK-BROWED ALBATROSS (Thalassarche melanophris)
The second commonest Albatross in Victorian waters, Black-brows breed on Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic islands, including Macquarie island, an Australian territory. They can be seen all year, but are significantly commoner in winter, and regularly seen from land. As with other Albatross sp adults and immature birds are quite different, in this case the young BBA’s have a dark grey bill gradually transitioning through pale brown with a dark tip, to the bright yellow and pink of an adult. The underwing has more extensive dark edges than Shy Albies, especially younger birds, where care is needed to identify from the much rarer Grey-headed. Those that breed on Campbell island in New Zealand are a recent split (Campbell Albatross), with the most obvious difference being a golden eye colour instead of black. A stunning bird but difficult to pick at a distance. BBA’s May be seen at similar sites mentioned for the Shy Albie above, and often follow fishing boats.
GIANT-PETRELS (Northern and Southern) (Macronectes halli and Macronectes giganteus)
Immature Northern Giant-petrel
Giant-petrels are regularly sighted from land in Victoria, mainly in the winter and early spring when they cruise inshore waters looking for trouble ! A predator and a glutton they will take anything they can get, dead or alive. The size of a small Albatross, their huge pale bill is clear even at a distance, and they have a heavier body with a hunch-backed appearance, a reliable difference between them and Albatross. Virtually all birds in Vic waters are immature, and therefore all dark in plumage. Northern has reddish bill tip, Southern has a greenish bill tip, very difficult to see this from land though.
BLACK-FACED CORMORANT (Phalacrocorax fuscescens)
The endemic Black-faced Cormorant is fairly scarce but widespread along the coast, preferring offshore islands, rocky reefs and artificial structures to breed or loaf on. They do not occur away from the ocean. Regular hangouts include the Point Lonsdale lighthouse, Marengo reef at Apollo bay, the Twelve Apostles, the Gippsland lakes eg near Lakes Entrance, Wilsons Promontory, Phillip island and the Portland district in the far south west.
They are intermediate in size between the two large (Great and Pied) and two small (Little Pied and Little Black) Cormorants found in Victoria, Most similar to a Pied Cormorant at a distance, they have a dark slender bill and lack the large yellow spot at the bill base. Immature cormorants are quite similar with size and bill shape more important for id
AUSTRALIAN PELICAN (Pelecanus conspicillatus) :
Australia is blessed to have such an impressive and spectacular bird be common and widespread throughout much of the continent. Fossil remains show Pelicans in Australia for 30-40 million years at least. Where there are fish there will be Pelicans, from the coast to the inland waterways, irrigation channels and farm dams. They can travel vast distances, taking advantage of flood events far inland.
NANKEEN-NIGHT-HERON (Nycticorax caledonicus)
This beautiful Night-heron is found across much of Australia as well as in New Guinea and Indonesia. They spend their days roosting, often in flocks, in densely foliaged trees an shrubs either near a wetland or not too far away. They will often be in introduced trees such as Willows, Figs and Pines with a dense canopy. Large breeding colonies can form in wet years, especially along the Murray river system. Dispersing single birds can turn up at almost any wetland, even small farm dams in otherwise dry country. Young Night-herons are brown and streaked and can get confused with Bitterns, but are smaller, large headed and short necked. Commoner in summer, they may be found in the Royal Botanic gardens in Melbourne, and the Geelong Botanic gardens.
AUSTRALASIAN BITTERN (Botaurus poiciloptilus)
The Australasian Bittern has seriously declined in Australia in recent times which has led to them being listed as endangered with a population estimate of less than 1000 birds. They prefer ephemeral wetlands particularly those with cane grass, cumbungi and reeds. They mostly breed in the Murray-Darling basin in the spring/summer,often in rice growing areas, and in winter become a more coastal species. Given the seasonality of their habitat and their very low numbers there are no guaranteed sites for this species however in summer along the Murray at the reedbeds hide, Mathoura (NSW), or at Hirds or Johnsons swamps near Cohuna if they have water are a good chance. In winter wetlands near Melbourne and Geelong usually turn up some individuals, such as WTP, Reedy lake, Braeside Park and the Edithvale wetlands etc. The far south-west is also a traditional region for this bird. Fawthrop lagoon in Portland, or Deen Maar near Lake Yambuk are both a chance. Birdline Victoria may list recent sightings, however trying to flush this species is not recommended, either for the bird or the birder. They are more active dawn/dusk and possibly at night so timing a search is the way to go.
SQUARE-TAILED KITE (Lophoictinia isura) :
This interesting bird of prey is a similar size to Black and Wistling Kites flies more like a Harrier with upswept wings and feeds from the canopy of its woodland habitat as a specialist hunter of nestling birds. The only member of its genus lophoictinia, its closest relative is the Black-breasted Buzzard. Nowhere could these birds be considered common. They are summer visitors to Victoria, arriving from August, stable pairs using the same territory and often the same nest each year. The Atlas of Victorian birds published in 1987 had only 32 records total for the state. Over the last decade or two their numbers appear to be increasing, with un-published studies in the Bendigo region of central VIctoria finding that there were over a dozen breeding pairs all at least 5kms apart. Most sightings are made along the inland slopes/box-ironbark country from the Grampians region east through Bendigo and Heathcote to NE Vic. There are also breeding pairs in East Gippsland. The pale head of the adult is quite noticeable in flight, immature birds which fledge from around January are a rich rufous colour on the head and body. They have a tilting harrier like flight with paddle shaped wings and splayed primaries
SPOTTED HARRIER (Circus assimilis) :
A bird of inland plains, Spotted Harriers are solitary nomadic birds that hunt low over crops and grasslands. When food is plentiful they find temporary mates, and build a nest in a shrub or low tree (unlike most Harriers around the world which nest on the ground). They are mainly a summer visitor to Victoria and numbers vary from year to year, depending on conditions further inland. With little in the way of tall native grasslands left, they are most often seen hunting where there are maturing crops in spring, across the north and north-west of the state as well as western Victoria’s volcanic plains. Wandering birds can turn up in any open country. They are best found in crops and grasslands of the riverina and mallee regions such as the Patho plains and Terrick Terrick NP, northern Wyperfeld NP, croplands around Lake Tyrell and other salt lakes, and the Murray valley around Swan Hill. Adults are quite distinct with their black tipped grey wings and white spotted chestnut underparts. Juveniles are browner and can have a paler rump, best told from the Swamp Harrier by the barred and wedge shaped tail, lighter build and more paddle shaped wings.
GREY GOSHAWK (Accipiter novaehollandiae) :
Yet another extraordinary Australian bird of prey, the stunning Grey Goshawk has two colour phases, grey and white. In Victoria most birds are of the white phase as pictured. Their preferred habitat is tall wet forests adjoining farmland in the Otways region, with the semi cleared country from around Cobden, through Gellibrand to the Winchelsea area having a number of pairs. Elsewhere they are found at low densities in SW Victoria, South Gippsland and East Gippsland. Non breeding birds do wander widely turning up in more open country and sometimes further inland. They hunt a wide range of prey, and are a powerful thickset Hawk with strong talons. It may be a fact that their white plumage lulls other birds into a false sense of security, however hunting by surprise is usual for them as with the similar sized Brown Goshawk.
WEDGE-TAILED EAGLE (Aquila audax ssp audax)
The Wedgie is without doubt an iconic Aussie bird, king of the skies across most of Victoria. With up to a 2.8 metre wingspan it stacks up as a large Eagle on the world scene. They nest in large trees, and are most common in woodlands and wooded farmlands. Naturally wary of man, close views can be hard to come by, but they regularly come to ground or perch on fence posts or low trees. In certain areas, particularly where rabbits are common, they can occur in considerable numbers. With your eyes on the skies this is a bird you should not miss.
BLACK FALCON (Falco subniger)
The Black Falcon is rare throughout its range. It is mainly a bird of open plains, where it is a specialist hunter of grassland birds, particularly quail, but it will take a wide range of other birds. With their sleek dark plumage and menacing aura, they are an exciting bird to see, and always seem to attract the attention of other raptors.
Present throughout the year but a little commoner in summer. Their distinctive flight pattern is a reliable way to identify them from similar dark phase Brown Falcons. Gliding with slightly bowed wings and rapid shallow wing beats are diagnostic features. When perched they show feathered not bare tarsii, a small head on hunched shoulders, a plainer face lacking the double teardrop of the Brown Falcon, and a long tail and wing tips.
Lightly timbered open grassland and farmland in the riverina district is their stronghold in Victoria, for example the area between Pyramid Hill and Echuca (the Patho plains) and also the Kerang / Swan Hill districts. They are also widespread through the Mallee and Wimmera regions of western Victoria. In the south a good area to look is the plains and grasslands west of Melbourne, including Werribee’s Western Treatment Plant. They are attracted to smoke, either from bushfires or from farmers burning off in the autumn, and will also hang around rubbish tips.
BROLGA (Grus rubicunda)
The Brolga, one of two Crane species occurring in Australia, is still found across western and northern Victoria, frequenting open grassy plains and wetlands. The largest numbers now occur across the western plains of Victoria. In the country between Ballarat, Colac, Hamilton and Horsham there are many pairs and many wetlands. They feed in the shallow ephemeral wetlands of the plains but also out in dry farmland and grassland, and may be sighted whilst driving almost anywhere through this region. Much smaller numbers remain in the riverina between Kerang and Yarrawonga, with the wetlands near Corop a stronghold. A pair or two breed each year near the WTP at Werribee with wetlands and grasslands adjoining the Point Wilson road being the best places to look.
Pairs occupy territories for much of the year and breed between September and December.
In autumn (March to May) many Brolgas form flocks at traditional sites, depending on the season, making them harder to find unless you stumble upon a flocking site.
LEWIN’S RAIL (Lewinia pectoralis ssp pectoralis)
Lewin’s Rails are the most secretive of Victoria’s rails and crakes, but are fairly common across southern Victoria. Often gaining a sighting is more a matter of luck than good planning, with the old trick of playback being of limited use for this species. It is almost entirely a bird of southern and coastal regions, occurring in a wide range of damp habitats where dense low woody vegetation occurs, such as saltmarsh, swampy grassland, and swampy heathland, and occasionally reedbeds. They are also recorded away from water in damp coastal heaths and scrub. Best chances occur where bare mud is exposed next to their habitat, either due to tides or drying up of wetlands. At Werribee’s WTP the saltmarshes around the bird hide and the Little river, plus at The Spit are all a chance. Other sites include Truganina swamp near Altona Skeleton creek at Point Cook, Fawthrop lagoon and Deen Maar in south-west Victoria, Snowy river estuary at Marlo, and the Anglesea river. The range of calls of this species are interesting, and include a “galloping horse”! Readily separated from the Buff-banded Rail by longer bill, smaller size and lack of white supercilium
SPOTLESS CRAKE ( Porzana tabuensis) :
Of the three species of Crake found in Victoria the Spotless is the most secretive. It is widespread and relatively common in well vegetated freshwater swamps, and its dispersive nature allows it to breed up in temporary inland wetlands at times of flooding. Also occurring in New Zealand and throughout the Pacific as far as the remote atolls of French Polynesia ! Patience is the key to seeing this species, plus picking the right spot, usually a small clearing amongst dense reeds and rushes, and where there is a some firm “ground” to walk on. The plain plumage is unlike the other crakes here, and the undertail is barred black and white, unlike the white undertail of the commoner Australian Crake . Adults have red eyes and legs, young birds do not. Near Melbourne some sites include the “Grotty pond” at Banyule Flats, Liverpool road Retarding basin in Montrose, Werribee WTP especially in the “crake pond” T-section lagoons, and Mt St Josephs pond, Trugannina. Most reedbeds of any decent size will have Spotless Crakes in them !
PLAINS-WANDERER (Pedionomus torquatus)
The Plains-wanderer and has been named amongst the top ten most sought after birds on the planet. It is an endemic species to Australia and the only member of the family Pedionominae, with the Seed-Snipes of South America being their closest relatives. Looking like a cross between a Button-quail and a plover, it is almost impossible to observe in the daytime. Its habitat is sparse, open treeless native grassland with grasses under 20cms high and planty of bare ground between grass tussocks. Locating one requires walking or driving around its preferred habitat with spotlights at night. The female is larger and more brightly coloured, the male incubates the eggs and looks after the young. Due to significant loss of habitat, it is now listed as critically endangered. Their strongholds are the northern plains of VIctoria and New South Wales riverina. Mostly they occur on private land, with some also to be found on public reserves in northern Victoria. Contact me if you would like to see this bird.
PAINTED BUTTON-QUAIL (Turnix varius ssp varia)
The Painted Button-quail is an intricately marked, cryptic bird of grassy woodlands, both in the north and south of the state. They prefer sites where the ground cover is quite open with scattered grasses and plenty of leaf litter, such as drier ridges in woodland and forest, but can also occur in denser habitat. Their numbers fluctuate, and they are probably semi-nomadic. Once sighted on the ground, they may be observed quite well, particularly from a vehicle, but it is usual to flush them before seeing them. If a bird is flushed, it is best to look for others nearby rather than chase after the flushed bird. A good sign of their presence are the “platelets” that they form whilst foraging. These are near circular depressions in leaf litter, and there are usually many in a small area. In all the Button-quail the females are more brightly coloured than the males.
Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park, Barmah NP, Gunbower island NP, Heathcote-Graytown NP, and the Terrick Terrick National Park are all open grassy woodlands in the north of the state where PBQ’s are regularly seen, however they are widespread in Victoria wherever there is forest with a sparse ground cover of grasses and plenty of leaf litter.
Little Button-quails are a nomadic inland species, which is a scarce summer migrant to Victoria, but can occur any time from July through to April depending on the conditions. In Victoria they prefer native grasslands especially those with Speargrasses (Stipa sp.) They also occur in open grassy mallee woodlands with Stipa, as well as sometimes crops and other grasslands or grassy woodlands. The grasslands of the Patho plains between Pyramid Hill and Echuca including sections of the Terrick Terrick NP have birds each year in varying numbers, and the small grassy mallee woodland remnant at Goschen near Swan Hill is also quite reliable in spring/summer. They can also occur in spinifex mallee associations of the north-west when the spinifex has seeded. As with most quail/button-quail, during the daytime normally only flushed views are to be had. Spotlighting at night gives an increased chance of views on the ground. In flight they are tiny, sandy or rufous brown, with diagnostic white undertail coverts / flanks.
LATHAM’S SNIPE (Gallinago hardwickii)
The Latham’s Snipe is the only gallinago sp.likely in the eastern states of Australia. The majority of the population breeds in Japan, and they occur in Victoria from August through to March. They are very widespread in Vic except the far north-west, occurring in freshwater wetlands particularly inundated grasslands. They can be hard to view on the ground, hiding in dense vegetation, and give their distinctive rasping call when flushed. Here a just some of the more reliable sites to try for this species. Wetlands around Port Fairy, Edithvale Seaford wetlands, Loddon river at Kerang, Yan Yean reservoir near Whittlesea, Banyule Flats reserve in Heidleberg, Belmont Common near Geelong, Karkarook park in Melbourne’s se suburbs, Mill Park lakes in Melbourne’s northern suburbs, wetlands around.Phillip island, Lara lake at Lara, Painkalac creek at Aireys Inlet, Lake Colac bird sanctuary and Coolart wetlands on the Mornington peninsula.
AUSTRALIAN PAINTED SNIPE (Rostratula australis)
The Australian Painted Snipe is a recent split from the Greater Painted Snipe found in Asia and Africa. It is a critically endangered, highly nomadic, nocturnal species occurring mostly in ephemeral wetlands. Most records in Victoria are during the spring and summer. They can appear almost anywhere but are most regular in the lowlands and plains of northern Victoria when flooding occurs. There are no sites where they are reliably found, and years can go by without any sightings. Individuals appear occasionally closer to Melbourne where there are more observers, and dawn or dusk are definitely the best times to go looking when they become active.
BUSH STONE-CURLEW (Burhinus grallarius) :
Sadly the Bush Stone-curlew is now a threatened species in Victoria, though it remains common in parts of northern Australia. Habitat loss and predation by the European Red Fox are likely to blame. They favour open grassy woodlands, and spend the day resting under trees amongst fallen branches where they can blend in, and often in very open areas such as isolated paddock trees where they have a good clear view around in case of danger. In the breeding season they make their eerie call from dusk onwards. The riverina country is their stronghold now with most birds on private land. They also have a liking for golf courses in quieter country towns. Smaller numbers of birds remain in western Victoria around the Horsham district and the Wimmera.
BANDED STILT (Cladorhynchus leucocephalus)
The Banded Stilt is an beautiful endemic wader which until relatively recent times had never been recorded breeding. It turned out that this species waits for flooding rains to fill the giant salt lakes of inland southern and western Australia when it can occur in vast colonies. The rest of the time it spends nomadically seeking out suitable saline wetlands. In Victoria they are almost entirely found in the west of the state. Numbers and locations vary depending on the time of year and rainfall patterns. As winter rains fill inland salt lakes Banded Stilts may appear and remain until these pans dry up in spring and summer ( especially from Sept to Nov). Some regular traditional flocking sites include Lake Tutchewop near Kerang, Lake Ranfurley near Mildura, Lakes Wyn Wyn, Heard, Oliver and Mitre (all near Natimuk) and White lake, Centre lake and North lake all near Douglas. On occasion flocks may exceed 10,000 birds.
They are also regular at more coastal sites including the Moolap/Pt Henry saltworks near Geelong, Werribee’s WTP, Lake Victoria near Pt Lonsdale, Truganina swamp near Altona, and the Cheetham wetlands at Avalon beach.
They often occur alongside Red-necked Avocets .
HOODED DOTTEREL (HOODED PLOVER) (Thinornis rubricollis)
The Hooded Plover is a bird of ocean beaches, and has declined due to disturbance from people and dogs at its nesting sites, just above the high tide mark in dunes etc, however efforts by volunteers are starting to see them breed more successfully again even at some of the busier sites. They are scarce but may be found along much of the Victorian coastline, with particularly good areas being the far south-west around Portland and Port Fairy, south Gippsland (eg Phillip island, Wilsons Promontory) and far east Gippsland ( Croajingolong NP). Closer to Melbourne small numbers still occur on the Bellarine peninsula, the Mornington peninsula and the start of the Great Ocean road (Anglesea, Airey’s inlet, Apollo Bay). The quieter ocean beaches are usually the most rewarding, and signage plus fenced enclosures are clues to the presence of breeding pairs. These enclosures should be observed from a distance during the spring and summer breeding season. They can also occur just inland at Lake Victoria on the Bellarine peninsula. They are an unmistakable bird when seen.
BANDED LAPWING (Vanellus tricolor)
Another stunning endemic wader, the Banded Lapwing is a scarce bird of treeless plains where very short grass or bare ground occurs. Heavily grazed native grassland is a favoured habitat, but they also occur on ploughed land, airfields, saline herbfields and cleared parts of the mallee. In hot weather they will rarely be far from water. They form pairs at breeding territories in winter and spring, then later in summer flock together, with over one hundred birds possible in their strongholds. They are commonest in the Victorian riverina, and are also regular throughout western Victoria and the plains west of Melbourne. Close to Melbourne a regular area to look are the roads around the Avalon airfield and Beach road as it approaches the WTP. Also the plains east of the You Yangs and north of Little river, such as along Bulbans road. All across the northern plains they consistently occur far from trees and where grassland is grazed very short. A particularly good area is the Patho plains between Echuca and Mitiamo, try the Gunbower-Terricks road between Patho and the Mt Terrick road.
DOUBLE-BANDED PLOVER ( Charadrius bicinctus ):
Double-banded Plovers breed entirely in New Zealand and the whole population leaves for a winter spent in southern and eastern Australia. The immature birds start arriving in February, with the adults arriving a little later by which time all have lost their breeding plumage. They moult back into breeding plumage before leaving Australia mostly in August. In non breeding plumage they are superficially similar to Red-capped Plovers and often occur together in the same habitat, the DBP is a bigger bulkier bird, with a darker brown plumage and a slight trace of breast bands sometimes visible. They occur on intertidal mudflats, some beaches especially near freshwater outlets, and around lakes, usually saline ones, where there are broad open muddy areas or very short grass or samphire. Close to Melbourne Reef island and Stockyard point are two accessible sites in Westernport bay that are quite reliable. Also good numbers frequent some western district lakes such as Modewarre and Murdeduke. They may be encountered at many sites along the coast east and west. Inland Lake Tutchewop is also a regular wintering site.
INLAND DOTTEREL (Peltohyus australis) :
A beautifully marked wader, whose plumage provides excellent camouflage during the daytime when they rest in their harsh open habitat of gibber desert plains and bare open grasslands. If threatened they squat low, facing away from an intruder to hide their black chest markings. They are active at night when they feed largely on insects, and are thought to get their moisture from leaves also. Australia’s four “Dotterels” are all in seperate monotypic genera, and so are connected by name alone. The Inland Dotterel is genetically closest to the Oriental Plover, and so perhaps should be called Inland Plover, and be part of Charadrius. In Victoria they are rare and mostly occur on private land, with perhaps more birds present during droughts. The only areas that have semi-regular reports are the Avoca plains west of Kerang (short and sparse treeless steppe grassland) and the Millewa district in the far north-west of Vic (in cleared mallee country and grazed saltbush country). They are occasionally seen on dirt roads at night.
PACIFIC GULL (Larus pacificus ssp pacificus)
This large and impressive endemic gull is regularly seen along sections of the coast such as Port Phillip bay, Westernport and the Gippsland lakes. They prefer to feed in intertidal areas, also using nearby rubbish tips. Close to Melbourne they are often seen on beaches around the shoreline of Port Phillip Bay in small numbers such as at St Kilda, Brighton and Beaumaris (eg Ricketts point), and Kirk Point in the east. They are scarce along the Great Ocean road and in Western Victoria where there is minimal feeding habitat. In Victoria, Pacific Gulls breed on the islands around Wilson's Promontory, in Corner Inlet and off Phillip Island. There are less than 500 breeding pairs. As with many larger Gull species around the world, young Pacific Gulls don’t achieve full adult plumage for around 4 years, before which they transition through various stages of immature brown plumage phases
AUSTRALIAN TERN (Gelochelidon macrotarsa) :
The Australian Tern is a recent split from the more widespread Gull-billed Tern. In Victoria Australian Terns are found on large lakes with mudlfats or floodwaters usually in spring, as well as the coastal mudflats of Westernport, Nooramunga marine park and Corner inlet (all year). They are larger, longer legged and paler grey above than the Gull-billed Tern from Asia (Gelochelidon nilotica affinis). Stockyard point in Westernport bay is a reliable place to see them, and one or two Gull-billed Terns may also be seen there side by side
WHITE-FRONTED TERN (Sterna Striata) :
White-fronted Terns are a winter visitor from their New Zealand breeding grounds. They are an ocean going species, and may occasionally be seen feeding in inshore waters from land, and birds also rest with other terns on rocks or in harbours especially during stormy weather. Adults and immatures are distinct but for both when perched the broad white inner edges to the primaries form a thick white line on the top of the folded wing. In flight they are a little larger and paler than a Common Tern. Either way a Sterna tern feeding at sea in the winter in Victoria is almost certainly going to be this species. Some places along the coast that they may come to rest include Mallacoota harbour (the Goodwin sands), the Snowy river Estuary at Marlo, West Cape at Cape Conan, Mornington harbour in Port Phillip bay and Point Grey at Lorne. Sea-watching locations mentioned above to look for Albatross are also a chance for this species during winter.
FAIRY TERN (Sternula nereis ssp nereis)
The Fairy Tern is present year round in Victoria with a few breeding colonies mainly in Port Phillip bay and Westernport. They frequent sheltered coastal bays and also feed over coastal saltworks. They are most regularly reported from the coastline at Werribee’s WTP, where they may be observed from the end of Beach road which is a public road, and also along the track to the Spit. Other sites to look include Edwards point wildlife reserve and Lake Victoria both on the Bellarine peninsula, Corner inlet and Lake Tyers in Gippsland, plus French island and Reef island both in Westernport.
Identification from Little Terns is fairly straightforward in breeding plumage, whilst birds transitioning into wp and immature birds require more scrutiny.
Adult Fairy Tern in breeding plumage
BRUSH BRONZEWING (Phaps elegans ssp elegans)
This pigeon, endemic to southern Australia, is one of many birds that field guides don’t seem to be able to do justice to. The adult male is a stunning bird, but obtaining good views can be tricky. They are reasonably common, occurring in a variety of habitats throughout central and southern Victoria, from dense tall wet forest to mallee scrubs but always where there is a dense shrub layer. Favoured areas include the Grampians NP, the mallee scrubs around Bendigo, Wedderburn and the Little Desert, coastal heathlands in the far south-west and Port Campbell NP and throughout Gippsland in a wide range of localities especially closer to the coast. Their presence is often indicated by their “oom oom” call which can start slowly but is a little higher pitched and more rapid than the Common Bronzewing. In flight they appear smaller and darker brown or rufous. They come to drink at dawn and dusk which is one way to observe them on the ground. They also like to come out of the dense scrub onto quieter roads in the early morning and late evening, so a drive at that time is a good bet.
WONGA PIGEON (Leucosarcia melanoleuca)
This large plump ground dwelling pigeon is found in the wet forests and rainforests of eastern Victoria and prefer to feed in the leaf litter where there is sparse ground level vegetation. Although fairly common in central and east Gippsland, they are surprisingly rare in the forests closer to Melbourne. As with other Pigeons they make a distinctive sound with their wings when flushed. Their far carrying call sounds a little like a car alarm or an air raid warning !
(Calyptorhynchus funereus ssp funereus eVic, ssp xanthonotus wVic)
A south-east Australian speciality the Yellow-tailed Black is a magnificent bird, especially when seen as a flock in flight. They are widespread and common throughout higher rainfall southern Victoria in wet forests and heaths. They also come out into farmland to feed, sometimes in large numbers, and have benefitted from introduced pines, as they love nothing better than ripping apart pine cones. Their distinctive call is often the first sign of their presence.
GANG-GANG COCKATOO (Callocephalon fimbriatum)
The Gang Gang also only occurs in south-east Australia, with quite a limited range, and it rarely forms large flocks. They are a bird of the higher rainfall regions, particularly the far south-west, the Grampians NP, the Otways and much of eastern Victoria except for the northern plains. They largely leave the high country in winter, when birds may wander a little further north (eg Chiltern NP) and also into suburban Melbourne (especially the Yarra river corridor). Both sexes have an unusual curly crest , and a distinctive “squeaky door” call. Close to Melbourne the best areas to try in summer are Anglesea/Airey’s Inlet area on the Surf Coast and the Yarra ranges NP in the east. In winter they roam widely through Melbourne’s eastern suburbs
Australia is certainly the land of the parrot, and one of the most beautiful is the Major Mitchell, or Pink Cockatoo. They are a bird of the dry inland areas of southern Australia, and have been the target of nest thieves for the cage bird trade. In Victoria they only occur in small numbers in the far north-west, with Wyperfeld NP, Hattah NP and Murray-Sunset NP being their strongholds. Rather than the monotonous mallee eucalypt scrub that covers vast areas in the north-west, they prefer more open country where Callitris pine and Casuarina grows. Areas to look include around the Hattah lakes, the Pine Plains section of Wyperfeld NP, and Pink lakes in Murray-Sunset NP. Early morning is particularly good as they are more vocal and tend to be flying here and there. The soft pink plumage and amazing crest of this bird make it a major highlight for many visiting Victoria, and it is often possible to approach these birds to a close range if they are settled and feeding. Should anyone suspicious be seen in their remote habitat, particularly vehicles with ladders, these should be reported to the police.
PURPLE-CROWNED LORIKEET (Glossopsitta porphyrocephala) :
The tiny Purple-crowned Lorikeet is only a smidgen bigger than the Little Lorikeet, and can be seen in the same areas through central VIctoria at times. Purple-crowns though are a more westerly occuring bird that prefers drier woodlands especially Grey Box woodlands but also utilise a wide variety of flowering eucalypts including street plantings in small country towns. Closest to Melbourne they are resident but mobile around the towns of Werribee, Little River, Lara and Anakie as well as Serendip Sanctuary and the You Yangs. In central Victoria they can be quite common in woodlands of White Box and Grey Box in Kooyoora state park, then further west in the Wimmera and Wannon districts they are widespread and fairly common. Their call is similar to the Little but different enough to be useful once known. Overhead they show a red underwing, shared with larger and much longer tailed Swift Parrot.
SUPERB PARROT (Polytelis swainsonii)
Yet another south-east Australian endemic, the Superb Parrot is localised in Victoria, with is core range being in NSW. In late winter and spring to early summer (July to December) they may be found near to their nesting grounds in the Barmah forest along the Murray river. They tend to feed in the drier box woodlands adjacent to the Red Gum forests where they breed, so any roadsides in the Barmah to Cobram region are worth checking particularly close to the edge of the Barmah NP. Access into the Barmah forest may be restricted due to flooding so checking the park web page is worthwhile. Just across the border, the Gulpa state forest south of Deniliquin is another area that these birds frequent in the breeding season. By mid-summer they leave their nesting areas and roam further inland in NSW across the plains and Myall woodlands such as those to the north of Deniliquin. These are an elegant, long tailed, fast flying parrot, and should not be confused with any others where the occur.
REGENT PARROT (Polytelis anthopeplus ssp monarchoides)
In Victoria the Regent Parrot occurs only in the far north-west, where they breed in River Red Gums along the Murray river and the lake systems of Wyperfeld NP. They require these breeding areas to be adjacent to uncleared mallee country where they feed, and as such their main numbers now occur from Boundary bend downstream through Robinvale, Wemen and Hattah NP to Nangiloc/Colignan. The smaller Wyperfeld NP breeding population is mostly in the south of the park. Outside of the breeding season they occur further afield in the Murray-Sunset NP for example where they roam widely in search of food. They also feed from cereal crops and orchards where they can come into conflict with humans. Key sites to look for this species are around Hattah lakes and the full length of the nearby Murray-Kulkyne regional park, Boundary Bend, as well as the southern section of Wyperfeld NP.
MULGA PARROT (Psephotus varius)
Another parrot species only found in the north west of Victoria, the beautiful Mulga Parrot lives in the dry woodlands of the region, both in mallee eucalypt woodlands and more open cypress pine/casuarina woodlands. Unlike some of the other parrot species they’re rarely recorded along roadsides except where these are adjacent to larger bushland areas. They are similar in size to the Red-rumped Parrot, but have a longer tail, and the male has more splashes of colour in his plumage. All the larger continuous mallee reserves have good populations of Mulga Parrots, but they don’t occur south of Wyperfeld NP or in cleared areas. They usually flush when disturbed, but with patience will continue to feed and allow for reasonably close approach.
SWIFT PARROT (Lathamus discolour)
The Swift Parrot has the longest migration of any parrot in the world, with some reaching southern Queensland from their Tasmanian breeding grounds. Victoria is their most important wintering area, with birds arriving from early April and most leaving by late September. They certainly have their favoured sites, however as their food resources of nectar and lerps are inconsistent each year, their range in Victoria varies. Searching for Swifties is best done in the morning or late afternoon when they are noisier and on the move more. During the middle of the day they can easily be missed as they quietly rest in the canopy where they blend in to the point of being virtually invisible. Look for larger flowering trees, and the presence of other nectar feeders, especially the smaller honeyeaters and lorikeets which are good indicator species. Their distinctive calls are also key to locating them. Key areas include the box-ironbark woodlands around Maryborough, Castlemaine, Newstead, Dunolly, Moliagul, Bealiba, Rheola and Kingower in north-central Victoria. Equally as good are the north-eastern woodlands around Chiltern and Killawarra. On migration more southern areas attract birds passing though such as the You Yangs, Serendip sanctuary and parklands around Greater Melbourne, and in some years birds may remain in these areas for some months. At times they appear at a range of other sites, and Birdline Victoria often has reports in season.
TURQUOISE PARROT (Neophema pulchella)
Turquoise Parrots occur in two main areas of Victoria, the north-eastern box-ironbark woodlands, and east Gippsland. Chiltern NP and the Warby Ranges near Wangaratta are the two most reliable areas, with pairs spread through these areas in the breeding season and some flocking occurring in autumn. In the heat of summer they use waterholes and farm dams in the bush to drink. They are often observed around the edges of these parks, and in the autumn may occur further afield such as the Killawarra forest, and in farmland.
In east Gippsland they are regularly reported in Cape Conran coastal park (along the Old Coast Road), and at Canni creek racecourse at Buchan south.
The male Turq is a most stunning Parrot but they are diminutive and without a loud distinctive call, plus they are generally quite shy, and don’t like to settle in one place too long so gaining great views can be a challenge.
BLUE-WINGED PARROT (Neophema chrysostoma)
Blue-wings are the most regular of all the neophema parrots in Victoria and may be seen across southern Victoria except for east Gippsland, as well as through north central and north west Victoria on migration, however they are generally scarce and always noteworthy.
Some birds leave Victoria for more northern inland areas of NSW and South Australia, and it is on northward migration in April and again in October that they may appear at sites in the north-west. Particularly in October, Goschen bushland reserve, and the saltmarsh around Lake Tutchewop near Kerang are quite reliable. Tasmanian birds arrive in winter and boost the local numbers, with flocks occurring at saltmarshes and wet grasslands and around open wetlands in the south. Highest numbers and most reliable sites are coastal from south Gippsland to the Otways, the southern Grampians, the Little Desert, and south west Victoria. Anywhere in western Victoria Blue-wings should be looked at carefully as the Elegant Parrot is sometimes present, alone or in mixed groups. Closer to Melbourne some key sites include the grasslands and saltmarshes at Werribee’s WTP (mainly in winter), and the coastal heaths and grasslands around Anglesea and Airey’s inlet.
ORANGE-BELLIED PARROT (Neophema chrysogaster)
The Orange-bellied Parrot is Australia’s most threatened bird species and without all the conservation efforts would likely have already gone the way of the Dodo. The good news is that a captive breeding and release program, plus active management of breeding pairs in Tasmania, has seen a stabilizing of wild numbers albeit at a very low ebb. Currently the most reliable way to see this bird is to travel to Melaleuca in south west Tasmania in the summer breeding season. In the winter season OBP’s migrate to the mainland and historically were spread out from South Australia to NSW utilizing coastal saltmarsh habitats. In the last few years the only area that has regularly supported wintering birds is the Western Treatment Plant at Werribee. A small number of birds released at Werribee decided not to migrate and have become resident. These sightings are kept offline so that the birds are disturbed as little as possible, but currently a visit to the famous WTP does give a chance of seeing this species. Any sightings, confirmed or otherwise should be sent to the OBP recovery team.
BLACK-EARED CUCKOO (Chrysococcyx osculans)
Black-eared Cuckoos are very scarce throughout Australia, mostly being recorded in Victoria from August until the end of the year when they cease calling. Some remain and may be seen through until March or April. Nearly all records are from northern parts of the state especially from mallee woodlands and box-ironbark forests. Numbers fluctuate somewhat, from very scarce to extremely scarce! The most regular sites include Wyperfeld National Park, Greater Bendigo NP ( the northern mallee sections), Inglewood flora reserve (north of Inglewood), Heathcote-Graytown National Park (including Mt Ida, Forest drive and Bailieston), Warby Ranges NP, and sometimes in the woodlands to the west of Melbourne. Usually located by their call, Black-eared Cuckoos are brood parasites of a range of species including Speckled Warbler and Redthroat.
POWERFUL OWL (Ninox Strenua)
Australia’s largest Owl occurs only in south-eastern Australia, in a range of habitats from tall wet forest to drier woodlands in central Victoria. They breed in winter, at which time the male roosts close to the nest tree. Once the young have fledged they move as a family to other roost sites nearby. Knowing a roost site is the key to finding them as during the night they hunt over a large territory. Roost sites are not reliable with these birds having a number which they use as the whim takes them. Their prey includes possums, birds and flying foxes, but mostly possums, and as such they need areas with plenty of tree hollows, including one big enough for them to nest in. There are a few pairs along the Yarra river which flows through the Melbourne suburbs, with areas to try including Wilson reserve, Banyule Flats, Blue Tongue Bend, Jumping Creek reserve and also Shepherds Bush on the Dandenong creek. They quite often roost in introduced trees, either deciduous trees in summer, or introduced pines. They like a tree with a dense canopy. Birdline Victoria occasionally publishes records of roosting birds when they appear close to the city.
GREATER SOOTY OWL (Tyto tenebricosa)
This charismatic hunter of wet gullies and rainforests through the eastern part of Victoria is a real prize for the patient and dedicated observer. They only occur in large areas of continuous forest, preferring sites with a healthy understory and plenty of large old trees. Sites closer to Melbourne include the Yarra Ranges NP, Toolangi SF, Bunyip State Park and Tarago state forest. Further east the best areas are any of the denser wet gully forests in East Gippsland, such as Mitchell River NP, the Lake Tyers and Nowa Nowa area, the Cape Conran area, around Bemm river and Errinundra NP,
Many birders look for this species in the Bunyip state park where good bush tracks allow for miles of night driving however recent extensive fires have reduced the available habitat there to mostly the western and north-western sections.. Frequent stops in the denser gullies and listening for calls is the way to go, and these Owls have large territories so success is far from guaranteed! Breeding season varies with autumn/winter a good time to search for these Owls. As with many night birds, once located they are not particularly afraid of humans.
AUSTRALIAN MASKED OWL ( Tyto novaehollandiae) :
This rare Owl is poorly known in VIctoria, and a real prize for the dedicated spotlighter. They occur across southern Victoria in areas of extensive forest often where open areas such as farmland and heathland are adjoining. Their stronghold is East Gippsland, where recent extensive fires have no doubt reduced their numbers significantly. They are also present at very low densities in West Gippsland , the Otway ranges and far SW Victoria. They perch low and pounce on prey, or fly low over open areas to hunt. A loud screeching territorial call is fairly distinctive. Compared with a Barn Owl, which prefers more open grasslands, they are bulkier, with feathered legs and a darker rimmed facial disk. Females are larger and are usually darker underneath than males.
AUSTRALIAN OWLET-NIGHTJAR (Aegotheles cristatus ssp cristatus)
Most of the members of this small family totalling 8 species occur in New Guinea. Only one species occurs in Australia where it is widespread occupying a range of habitats. They are commonest in drier woodlands, such as mature open mallee woodlands, black box woodlands and box-ironbark forests especially adjacent to open areas. They roost in tree hollows during the day. Their body temperature fluctuates, with them becoming torpid during low temperatures. They often appear at the entrances to their hollows to soak up the morning sun, and particularly where hollows are low down in trees, just walking past them in the daytime can be enough to flush them out. They generally don’t fly far and perch before relocating to another hollow nearby. Look for small to medium sized hollows, often horizontal branches which have broken off and rotted out
At night they are tricky to find, do not show any eye shine, and are not particularly responsive to playback. They also tend to shy away from bright light, so a low level of light and a lot of patience is required. They tend to perch low in trees and may come to ground to feed. They call reliably at dawn and dusk, and may also call during the daytime from their roosting sites.
SPOTTED NIGHTJAR (Eurostopodus argus)
Found in the drier north west of Victoria year around the Spotted Nightjar is largely a bird of the “mallee” country. The roost and nest on the ground, and become active at dusk when their weird call is very distinctive. Slighlty smaller than the closely related White-throated Nightjar, and with bold white wing spots, they may be seen hawking at last light, and sometimes found sitting in the middle of quiet mallee roads at night. In a spotlight they have very strong eye-shine. In very hot weather they will drink at dusk where water is available. They are widespread through the mallee including all the larger parks as well as smaller patches of mallee woodland near Bendigo.
TAWNY FROGMOUTH (Podargus strigoides ssp strigoides coastal, ssp brachypterus inland)
Frogmouths as a family are more widespread than Owlet-Nightjars, occurring as far as SEAsia. The endemic Tawny Frogmouth is just as widespread in Australia as the Owlet-Nightjar, but is seen much more frequently as it is a larger bird which normally roosts on a tree branch where they sit motionless pretending to be a piece of wood. They occur in a range of woodlands usually where there are clearings and open ground to hunt in. In the drier north-west they are mostly found in River Red Gum forests along the river systems. They build a flimsy stick nest in the fork of a tree, and so from September to November are readily viewed if a nesting site is known. Once the young have fledged they move away, but the parents will likely return to the same tree to nest the following year. They are quite common throughout the eastern suburbs of Melbourne including along the Yarra river. Look for larger eucalyptus trees with bark which mirrors their plumage where they will often perch on larger branches close to the trunk to blend in. Spotlighting drives in farmland and along the edges of forests where there are large gum trees are often successful in finding this species which must be Victoria’s commonest night bird. Not much phases them during the daytime, but if threatened they extend their head neck and body out to appear more like a tree branch.