SUPERB LYREBIRD (Menura novaehollandiae ssp victoriae)
One of Australia’s most spectacular birds, the Superb Lyrebird is a most extraordinary mimic, and uses its flamboyant tail in a spectacular display. Endemic to south-eastern Australia, Superb Lyrebirds inhabit wet forests in eastern Victoria especially where an open ground layer of damp leaf-litter is shaded by dense tree ferns, shrubs and trees. They sing at any time of year, but most vigorously in the winter breeding season. Their calls carry far through the forests, indicating their presence, but getting a sighting is a little harder. They are fond of feeding on the grassy verges of tracks and roads and in clearings or picnic grounds early morning and later in the day with some birds at sites with a lot of human visitation being relatively fearless. The Dandenong ranges close to Melbourne are famous for their Lyrebirds, with the Sherbrooke forest and Ferntree Gully sections the best to look, but get out early as many walkers visit these areas. A little further out of Melbourne the following are all good sites. Badgers Weir in the Yarra ranges NP, Wirrawalla rainforest walk near Toolangi, Link road in Bunyip state park, and almost anywhere along the Donna Buang road which goes through the mountains between Healesville and Warburton. This species remains quite common throughout the Victorian highlands and East Gippsland. It is relatively easy to hear their incredible song, which may be given from a perch a few metres up or while the bird wanders around feeding, but to see their full display is more difficult as it happens on the ground usually in dense ferns and undergrowth.
RED-BROWED TREECREEPER (Climacteris erythrops)
This south-east Australian endemic is easily overlooked, with its small size as it forages on the trunks of giant forest trees. They are widespread throughout the higher rainfall eucalypt forests of eastern Victoria, and do make it to the west of Melbourne in the Wombat state forest. In most of their range they are outnumbered by the more noticeable White-throated Treecreeper, but when seen their smaller size and darker overall plumage is quite noticeable.Their call is quite distinct and can help in locating them, patient scanning of the mid and upper sections of the forest will eventually produce a sighting. They are reasonably common in the Dandenong Ranges. Other good sites include Donelleys weir in Yarra ranges NP and Bunyip state park along Tonimbuk road
WHITE-BROWED TREECREEPER (Climacteris affinis ssp affinis)
This inland treecreeper is very localised in north-west Victoria, only occurring in the few remaining high quality cypress pine/casuarina woodlands that retain a healthy understorey of shrubs. The superficially similar Brown Treecreeper occurs in the same region, but tends to stick to the mallee and black box eucalypt woodlands. Yarrara flora and fauna reserve to the north of Murray-Sunset NP is a well-known and reliable site for this species. Sites further south include Timberoo flora and fauna reserve, Wyperfeld NP (the northern section along Meridian track) and smaller remnant pine woodlands near Walpeup and Patchewollock, though they only occur at relatively low densities. Their distinctive ringing call is a useful give away, and usually delivered from high on a dead snag. When feeding they are often quite low on the trunks of trees and shrubs. With good views the bolder black and white streaking on the underparts and ear coverts are clear, and the upperparts are a darker slate brown.
STRIATED GRASSWREN (Amytornis striatus ssp striatus)
This is the only species of Grasswren found in Victoria and occurs in mallee vegetation with abundant porcupine grass. They seem to prefer habitat with abundant large clumps of porcupine grass mixed with other low shrubs such as Tea-tree or Scrub-pine and where eucalypts are either stunted or more well spaced. They feed from the ground where they hop around at quite a speed and are adept at staying out of sight when they want to. Typically the first sign of them is hearing their high pitched insect like alarm calls. The most accessible areas to look for this cracking bird are in Hattah-Kulkyne NP and Murray-Sunset NP. At Hattah they may be found, with some luck, in the mallee spinifex associations on the western side of the park. Wandering into their habitat along Nowingi track and Konardin track gives you a chance and they also occur south of the Robinvale road in the spinifex mallee habitats on the East side of the Calder highway. In Murray Sunset NP the most accessible place to try is along Pioneer drive in the Pink lakes section of the park, accessible by 2WD, and along the Mt Crozier track (either walk up or take a 4WD). More remote sections of the park in the far west near Pheenys track and South Bore track are also good sites for this tricky customer
SPLENDID FAIRY-WREN (Malurus splendens ssp melanotus)
One of Australia’s most beautiful birds, the Splendid Fairy-wren is quite common in Victoria’s far north-west where it largely replaces the Superb Fairy-wren. They occur in mallee, pine and riverine vegetation but always where there is a good shrub layer and plenty of bare ground from which to feed. In the “mallee” they are often in areas of tea tree scrub on dunes, especially areas where there are less mallee eucalypts and the canopy opens out. They are plentiful in shrubby pine and casuarina woodlands, and also occur in Black Box woodlands on the floodplains where they utilise Tangled Lignum and Saltbushes to hide in. From late summer (March/April) through to late winter (August/Sept) nearly all male birds lose their stunning blue plumage and go into eclipse which is similar to the brown female plumage. They are generally a little shyer than the Superb Fairy-wren. They are quite common throughout Wyperfeld NP, and in nearby pine and mallee remnant woodlands. They are also readily found around the Hattah lakes system in the revegetating dune areas. In Murray-Sunset they are scarce but widely found, preferring areas with the densest shrub layers. They do not require surface water to survive.
WHITE-WINGED FAIRY-WREN (Malurus leucopterus ssp leuconotus)
This species occurs in north-west and north-central Victoria in treeless areas with dense low shrubs and open areas to feed. This most often occur in saline areas along the lower and mid Murray valley especially around salt lakes where samphire, bluebush and saltbush grows. They are also found in treeless native grasslands and wetlands on the northern plains where they live in lignum and nitrebush. Many males lose their colour and enter an eclipse plumage but for a much shorter time than the Splendid Fairy-wren, typically in early to mid-winter. Also a higher proportion of males stay blue all year. However it is typical to see six brown birds for every blue male, with the fullplumage males being generally less cooperative in showing themselves. The males seem to respond to rainfall when they may become more showy
The most southerly birds in treeless grasslands and lignum wetlands on the Patho plains west of Echuca and the plains country between Pyramid Hill and Kerang (eg around Gladfield and Macorna where they are quite common). They may be seen around many of the Kerang lakes including Lake Murphy, Fosters swamp, Hirds swamp, Lake Kelly and Lake Tutchewop. They are also common around the large salt lakes of the mallee near Sea lake such as Lake Tyrell and Lake Tiboram, and north of Hattah at Boonoonar.
MALLEE EMU-WREN (Stipiturus mallee)
The Mallee Emu-wren is the closest thing Victoria has to an endemic bird with most of the world population of this tiny bird occurring in Victoria. Recently some were translocated back into South Australia where they were extirpated due to fire. They occur in similar habitat and locations to the Striated Grasswren (see above), however they behave quite differently. Similar insect like calls are usually the first sign of their presence, even fainter and weaker than the Grasswren call. However their modus operandi is to hide within large clumps of porcupine grass, and weakly fly from tussock to tussock. Like the Grasswren, they are adept at getting away without being seen.
In very cold, very hot or very windy weather they tend to lay low and may be impossible to observe. Best conditions are warm and with no wind when they are most likely to be out feeding both within and around the outsides of their prickly homes.
Across the extensive mallee spinifex woodlands of Hattah NP and Murray-Sunset NP, they are scarce and localised, seeming to prefer patches where the spinifex clumps are largest. Nowingi track and Konardin track in Hattah plus Pioneer drive at Pink lakes are good places to look
SOUTHERN EMU-WREN (Stipiturus malachurus)
This Emu-wren is much more abundant a little larger and more brightly coloured than its desert cousins, however it can still be frustratingly hard to see in adverse weather conditions. In body size these birds are tiny balls, towing an extraordinarily long wispy tail behind them.
They occur in a variety of vegetation associations in coastal and near coastal Victoria, but always where there is a continuous cover of dense vegetation typically around waist height and with or without emergent trees. Wet heaths and open heathy woodlands are their favoured habitats, being most common in East Gippsland, around the Wilsons Prom area, the Anglesea heathlands and in the far south west. They also occur further inland in the Grampians NP (especially the southern parts) Listen for their faint insect like calls and have lots of patience !
(Dasyornis broadbenti ssp caryochrous Otways, ssp broadbenti SWVic)
This endemic Australian family has three species, all of which are localised in their occurrence. The Rufous Bristlebird is only found along the coastal region from the mouth of the Murray river in South Australia eastwards to Torquay south-west of Melbourne. They remain fairly common within their range, however sightings are not always easy. They prefer tall shrublands of wattle, melaleuca and she-oak, and in the Otways and near Portland occur some way inland. They have a very loud and distinctive call, but prefer to stay hidden within their dense environment. The best way to catch a decent sighting once their presence is confirmed is to sit and wait at a gap in the undergrowth where a view of the bare ground underneath can be had. These birds are territorial, do regular rounds of their home range, and will no doubt pass by eventually. Many of the good places to look for this bird are in busy touristy locations, so getting out early is the way to go. Well known sites to try include Point Addis, Split Point Lighthouse near Airey’s Inlet, the car park at Loch Ard Gorge, and Cape Nelson, however they can be found at many places in between
Eastern Bristlebird (Dasyornis brachypterus)
The Eastern Bristlebird is only found at one site in Victoria, Howe Flat in far East Gippsland adjacent to the border with NSW. The population had been quite stable there, but the wildfires that occurred in January and February of 2020 took out some of their habitat. A remarkable rescue effort was undertaken to secure this population with a team of biologists flown in, and a number of birds taken away to a zoo to be looked after until the fires went out. Fortunately not all their habitat was lost and they have now been flown back and released. They live in dense undergrowth of Tea-tree and Paperbark as well as Grasstree heathland often near swampy areas. Access to Howe Flat is either a long drive on rough 4WD tracks or a boat trip from Mallacoota to Lakeview jetty and a fairly long walk from there to Howe flat (best to give yourself the day for this)
PILOTBIRD (Pycnoptilus floccosus ssp sandlandii)
Yet another south-east Australian endemic, the Pilotbird is not uncommon where it occurs but hard to observe. It may be found throughout the high rainfall parts of eastern Victoria, from the treeline in the alps right down to some coastal sites in East Gippsland. They feed from the ground, and prefer damp sites where there is a dense ground cover of ferns or shrubs, and will move into dense forest regrowth after fire. Like the Bristlebird they have a loud far carrying call, and the fine art of “pishing” can work to bring them into view.
Some accessible areas to try include Toolangi state forest and Mt St Leonard, Mt Donna Buang near Warburton, the denser gullies in Bunyip state park including in the eastern section recovering from fire and Tarra Bulga NP in the Strzlecki ranges. They behave like an over-sized Scrubwren and the rusty coloured face and breast is diagnostic within their range.
(Calamanthus pyrrhopygius ssp pyrrhopygius)
Yet another skulking south-eastern Australian endemic, this species has a sweet and varied song which incorporates much mimicry, and is best heard in late winter to spring. It is a bird of heathy woodland, both along the coast and inland to central Victoria. They are scarce and hard to observe throughout their range, “pishing” can be useful, and they’ll often be in the vicinity of other small birds such as Scrubwrens and Thornbills
Areas to try include the southern parts of the Greater Bendigo NP ( around Sedgewick/Mandurang/Spring gully/Crusoe reservoir), Grampians NP (Mt Zero, Mt Stapylton), Heathcote-Graytown NP ( Mt Ida/Bailleston historic reserve/One Eye SF), Anglesea heathlands, Brisbane Ranges NP (widespread through the park), and the stringybark woodlands of far south-west Victoria.
SHY HEATHWREN (Calamanthus cautus ssp cauta)
The inland cousin of the Chestnut-rumped Heathwren, this species is restricted to mallee country with dense heathy areas. It is more brightly coloured, much commoner within its range and thus a little easier to observe despite it’s name. It also boasts a sweet and varied song, but lacks mimicry. These two Heathwren’s ranges overlap near Bendigo and at Mt Arapiles, but they utilise different habitats. They respond to “pishing” but only for a quick look before flitting off back to cover. They are active on the ground, cock their tail in the air, and are fast moving. The bold eyebrow, bold streaking on the breast, rufous rump, black and white notch at the fold in the wing and blackish bill are all good id pointers. Good sites to try include the mallee sections of the Greater Bendigo NP ( northern Whipstick and Kamarooka), Inglewood flora reserve north of Inglewood, Wychitella flora reserve, heathlands in the Little Desert NP, and Wyperfeld NP (eg Discovery walk).
(Calamanthus fuliginosus ssp boumeorum wVic, ssp albiloris eVic)
One of two Fieldwrens found in Victoria, the Striated is restricted to the far south-east of Australia. In Victoria it may be found along much of the coastline and adjacent country in mostly treeless wet sedgelands, grasslands and heaths including dunes. When in song they always perch up on the top of a bush, often with tail cocked, this being the easiest way to locate them. The rest of the time they tend to spend skulking! They are relatively common where they occur, with good sites including the western coastline of Port Phillip Bay (Altona, Point Cook, Werribee WTP, Avalon Beach), The Great Ocean road (treeless low heaths and grasslands on dunes), and the Gippsland coast (Wilsons Prom, Gippsland lakes etc).
SPECKLED WARBLER (Pyrrholaemus sagittatus) :
The Speckled Warbler is not a Warbler in the Old world sense, it is allied with the Heathwrens, Fieldwrens, Scrubwrens and Thornbills. Its closest relative is the Redthroat, with both these birds building a domed nest on or close to the ground and both are a favourite host for the scarce Black-eared Cuckoo. This bird is endemic to South-eastern Australia and is found in the drier woodlands of the inland slopes as well as some of the drier wooded areas south of the divide. Quite rare close to Melbourne with Eynesbury Grey Box forest perhaps the best location. They are more easily found in the woodlands near Heathcote , and in the Warby Ranges and the Chiltern forest. They feed on the ground, are well camouflaged, freeze when there is danger, and fly off before you get near to them so can be tricky to see well. Their sweet song is quite distinct. Pairs are territorial, and in winter they can join mixed feeding flocks of Thornbills etc
WHITE-THROATED GERYGONE (Gerygone olivacea) :
Three species of Gerygone occur in Victoria. This and the Western are both summer migrants, both with versions of the “falling leaf” song and are both best found in the woodlands of North-eastern Victoria. The Brown Gerygone is a rainforest species in Gippsland. Found in foothill forests they tend to frequent slightly wetter areas than the Western, though they also occur together. Smaller numbers also regularly occur in East Gippsland. They sing most of the day in the spring breeding season, and as with other Gerygones build an elaborate domed nest, suspended in outer branches, with a hood over the entrance and a tail trailing below. Commonest in the forests around NE Vic including around Myrtleford, Bright, Benalla, the Warby Ranges and Chiltern. Closer to Melbourne they are regular around the Seymour/Yea/Alexandra and Eildon areas, for example at Cummins reserve, Yea.
CHESTNUT-RUMPED THORNBILL (Acanthiza uropygialis) :
Eight species of Thornbills occur in Victoria. They are all very small and active requiring close views to identify by sight alone . Fortunately they are quite vocal and have distinctive calls. The combination of a white eye (dark in a juvenile), plain whitish breast and chestnut rump is diagnostic for this species. The Inland Thornbill occurs together with the Chestnut-rumped but has a reddish eye and streaks on the throat. Only found in the north-west of Victoria these birds to occupy a range of dry woodlands such as mallee, and Black Box.
STRIATED THORNBILL (Acanthiza lineata) :
Another endemic bird to south-eastern Australia, Striated Thornbills are fairly common in VIctoria where rainfall is above 500mms annually. Superficially similar to the very common Brown Thornbill, closer views show them to have streaking all over their head not just on the throat. Also their back is greenish not brown, and with a contrasting brownish cap. Small grouos are active in the mid and upper levels of eucalypts, gleaning food from the leaves and stems.
LITTLE WATTLEBIRD (Anthocaera chrysoptera) :
Little Wattlebirds are found in SE Australia and Tasmania. They are largely a bird of coastal scrubs and woodlands especially where banksias are predominant. In Victoria they are found along much of the coastline, including the Melbourne suburbs. In SW Victoria they are quite common inland as well as far as the Little Desert. Smaller than Red Wattlebirds and in flight their chestnut wing patches are noticeable
BLACK-EARED MINER (Manorina melanotis)
The Black-eared Miner is a highly endangered species. Much of its preferred habitat has either suffered wildfire, or become fragmented through land clearance allowing Yellow-throated Miners to penetrate their territories and interbreed. Most if not all remaining colonies of Black-eared Miners contain a mixture of various hybrids. They occur in large areas of unbroken habitat, preferring old growth mallee, rather than the edges and roadsides inhabited by their Yellow-throated cousins. They also behave rather differently, being a much shyer bird, with extensive territories in remote country. The Murray-Sunset NP is the only real chance in Victoria however colonies are scarce, numbers very low and confirming a bird is not a hybrid requires close examination.
REGENT HONEYEATER (Anthocaera phrygia)
Regent Honeyeaters were still relatively common in Victoria up until the 1950’s, but are now virtually extinct in this state. A recovery effort is underway, releasing captive bred birds into Chiltern Mt Pilot N in, north-east Victoria, to boost the remaining wild population. They usually arrive in the Chiltern area in autumn to take advantage of winter nectar supplies, and to breed in late winter/spring. It is unclear where they go in summer. This beautifully marked black and gold Honeyeater does rarely still appear outside of the Chiltern forests, but only sporadically. Some areas to look, between April and October include Greenhill dam next to Greenhill road, Honeyeater picnic area, Klotz track, Magenta mine and the woodlands adjacent to the Chiltern Yackandandah road. They particularly like flowering Mugga Ironbark and White Box. If seen they should be reported. Look for any leg bands.
BELL MINER (Manorina melanophrys)
Once in the vicinity of a Bell Miner colony it is impossible to not know they are there, as they make their bell like pinging contact call all day to keep their colony together. Despite the incessant noise it can take some time to sight the birds which blend into their environment beautifully. They are strongly colonial, defending their territory from other insectivorous birds. They prefer lowland gully forests, and tall riparian forests with a dense understory. The population to the north and east of Melbourne extends into the suburbs along the Yarra river (Botanic gardens and Chelsworth park, Ivanhoe), and along the Dandenong creek (Mulgrave reserve, Koomba park). Other sites include the Yea river at Yea, the Little Yarra crossing at Yarra junction, and the Cannibal creek south of Bunyip state park. Their other major stronghold in Victoria is the East Gippsland region particularly around Lakes Entrance, Buchan and Orbost, and Double Creek near Mallacoota, again usually in tall riparian forests.
(Lichenostomus cratitius ssp occidentalis)
This localised honeyeater reaches the eastern limit of its Australian range in central Victoria. It inhabits dense mallee heaths, especially those with stands of Broombush (a dense multi-stemmed shrub). Due to its active nature and dense habitat this bird can be hard to get a good look at, however it does comes out into the open to feed from eucalypt blossoms such as emergent Yellow gums, and to drink at well vegetated waterholes in warmer weather. Key sites for this bird in Victoria are the Little Desert NP, and the Greater Bendigo NP. The Kiata area of Little Desert is a regular haunt in mallee broombush associations. They may be seen from the Kiata south road, along the road to the campground and also along the northern end of Salt lake track. Near Bendigo they are found all year in the northern Whipstick forest and Kamarooka sections of the Greater Bendigo NP. Good sites to try are mallee areas north of Skylark road, along Campbells road and in the heaths along Burnside road. There are waterholes along Campbells road which attract birds to drink in hotter weather. They are commonest in the remote Big Desert, with sightings further east in the adjacent Wyperfeld NP from time to time.
Plumage-wise they do not stand out from the crowd, but the combination of size (a little larger than the average honeyeater) grey crown, blackish mask, yellow throat and ear tuft are enough to clinch an id. The purple gape is hard to see unless in good light and at close range.
PAINTED HONEYEATER (Grantiella picta)
Photo Denzil Morgan
Despite a widespread range through eastern Australia, the Painted Honeyeater is a much sought after species due to its scarcity and nomadic nature. It is well and truly a mistletoe specialist, relying on the fruits of various mistletoes for food, particularly when breeding. They are mostly a summer migrant to Victoria, with just a few wintering records, often in areas of flowering White Box. Typically arriving in late September and October, they set up territories through the drier woodlands on the inland side of the dividing range, where abundant mistletoe is flowering and fruiting. They call frequently and loudly from arrival until nesting is well under way later in spring and summer. There are a few sites that play host to Painted Honeyeaters in most years. These include Dunach NCR 5 kms NW of Clunes, Muckleford State Forest (Sullivans track), Mt Korong near Wedderburn, Mt Egbert near Wedderburn, Killawarra forest “the camp”, Reef Hills State Park near Benalla and Chiltern-MtPilot NP eg Bartley’s block. They may however turn up anywhere there is abundant mistletoe especially through the box-ironbark country of central and north-east Victoria. Birdline Victoria carries recent reports of this species.
(Phylidonyris pyrrhopterus ssp pyrrhoptera)
Endemic to south-eastern Australia the Crescent Honeyeater occurs in the high rainfall parts of Victoria from the coast to the tree-line in the alps. They inhabit a variety of habitats but especially wet heaths and gully forests. Local movements occur in winter with birds tending to leave the colder wetter areas in the mountains. They are commonest through the southern and eastern uplands throughout Gippsland, in the Otway ranges, the Grampians NP, and in the far south-west near Portland. The loud and distinctive contact call “eejik” or “egypt” gives away their presence however they are often hard to locate in the mid to upper canopy of the tall eucalypts they often frequent. When flowering shrubs attract them down lower sightings become easier, but they still have a knack of staying well out of sight.
This is a small and very active honeyeater and unmistakable once the combination of the yellow wing flash and crescent marking is seen, though care is needed to identify immature birds.
TAWNY-CROWNED HONEYEATER (Gliciphilia melanops) :
This delightful Honeyeater is a specialist inhabitant of low heathland where it feeds from various flowers and insects. It is sparsely distributed right along the Victorian coastline where its habitat remains, but is at its most abundant in the sand heaths of western Victoria especially the “Deserts” (Big and Little). An isolated population occurs north and north west of Bendigo. In the breeding season males perform a display flight above their patch of heath, fluttering vertically upwards, and then descending like a falling leaf as they fill the air with their metallic fluting. When feeding they are quite at home hopping on the ground inbetween the low shrubs.
BLACK HONEYEATER (Sugomel nigrum)
The tiny Black Honeyeater is a highly nomadic desert species which visits north-western Victoria every spring and summer, but in varying numbers. In good years they may be more widespread reaching central Victoria and sometimes even southern Vic, though this is a rare occurrence. The vast majority of sightings are in the north-west in flowering patches of Long-leaved Emubush, a plant which is often found along roadsides, railway lines and smaller bushland reserves. This plant flowers from late September/October through to December/January, long enough for Black Honeyeaters to breed. They also commonly feed from flowering mistletoe. Later in summer they either disappear, or roam around taking advantage of any other nectar sources they find. Being such a small honeyeater, they are bottom of the pecking order, so are often excluded from the richest nectar sources. It’s not uncommon to find the Blacks ousted to the periphery of an area of flowering shrubs where they can survive on minimal nectar, whilst the larger honeyeaters feast on the easiest pickings. Virtually any patch of flowering emubush is worth checking. Some known regular sites include Goschen bushland reserve near Swan Hill, roadside vegetation at Gama and emubush stands north-west of Ouyen, north of Walpeup and near Patchewollock.
ORANGE CHAT (Epthianura aurifrons)
The brilliant Orange Chat is a true desert specialist, occurring in typically treeless saltbush plains especially in the low growing samphire/glasswort shrublands fringing saline wetlands.
The saline lakes in the Kerang Swan Hill district (eg Lake Tutchewop and Lake Kelly) and at Lake Tyrell near Sea Lake are the most reliable sites, with peak numbers occurring in spring and early summer. They may also be found in sparse native grasslands of the north-west such as occur in the Copi and Raak plains, and the Avoca plains west of Kerang including Lake Lookout. Orange Chats are only rarely observed in winter in Victoria. The feed from bare ground in between the low shrubs, and often occur in loose groups. Individuals in a group will regularly perch up to check for danger before resuming feeding, so repeated scanning of suitable habitat is often the best way to locate them. After DNA analysis, the 4 species of Australian Chat are now included in the Honeyeater family
CRIMSON CHAT (Epthianura tricolor)
Crimson Chats are more nomadic and irruptive than the Orange Chat. Most years in Victoria there are a scattering of birds seen in the far north-west of the state. Every few years higher numbers appear, usually associated with drought conditions further inland. The spring of 2019 saw the biggest irruption of Crimson Chat ever recorded with many thousands seen right across the north of the state, and birds recorded breeding. They feed on the ground amongst grasses and herbs, favouring open areas adjacent to saline lakes and grassy mallee woodlands. Unlike the Orange Chat they prefer sites where there are some trees. They are particularly attracted to sites where Noon Flower grows, a succulent with a hot pink daisy like flower (Disphyma crassifolium). Small and hyperactive, their reddish coloured rump is obvious in flight in any plumage.
FLAME ROBIN (Petroica Phoenicia)
In Victoria the Flame Robin has very distinct seasonal movements, spending the summer in open areas of the wet uplands. especially at high altitudes. They are also fond of recently burnt or logged areas which they may inhabit for up to 3 years or so.
In autumn they descend to lowlands and may be seen in open woodlands, pastures and grasslands, where they can become quite conspicuous and noticed by non-birders as “Robin Redbreasts”. Wintering birds include some that migrate from Tasmania.
Some accessible summer sites include any of the skiing centres in the alps, Mt Donna Buang near Warburton, The Tanglefoot trails in Toolangi State Forest, the higher parts of the Otway Ranges and Mt William in the Grampians. Between April and August they are easier to find through much of central, eastern and south-western Victoria where they occupy open woodlands and short-grazed grasslands or ploughed land, readily perching on fencelines.
ROSE ROBIN (Petroica rosea) :
Rose Robins arrive in the breeding sites in Victoria from late August onwards, with the males defending an area and regularly singing. They favour wet forests with healthy mid-canopies where they spend much of their time feeding in the mid and upper canopies, flitting around more like a Fantail than the other Petroica robins. They are quite common in East Gippsland, the Central highlands and Strzleckis. Smaller numbers breed in other parts of Gippsland, the Otway ranges and far SW Victoria. In autumn and winter most leave the state and migrate up the east coast of Australia however some do appear in more open sites in central and NE Victoria. Compared with the superficially similar Pink Robin, the male’s colour is only on the breast, with an obvious white belly, and the outer tail feathers are white. Female Robins are a little trickier to identify, but the Rose as mentioned behaves and hunts more like a Fantail, has cleaner white wing bars and is usually higher in the trees. Close to Melbourne they can be found in most tall wet gullies in the Dandenong and Yarra ranges.
PINK ROBIN (Petroica rodinogaster ssp inexpectata)
The Pink Robin is not a common species in Victoria. In summer they are restricted to high rainfall upland rainforests and some gully forests. They particularly favour forests containing Myrtle Beech and Southern Sassafras. In autumn and winter some of the population, mostly the “brown” birds, disperse to coastal scrubs and foothill forests where they frequent dense thickets in drier areas. It is not known whether Tasmanian birds reach Victoria in winter, but it is quite likely. Sites to look in summer include Mt Donna Buang section of Yarra Ranges NP, the Ada tree ( Yarra Ranges NP), Wirrawalla rainforest and the Tanglefoot trails (Toolangi state forest), Tarra Bulga NP, Errinundra plateau (East Gippsland) and the higher altitude areas of the Greater Otway NP ( Triplet falls, Beauchamps falls, Erskine falls, Hopetourn Falls, The Redwoods and Tanybran). Wintering brown birds are regularly seen around Point Addis, Ocean Grove nature reserve, the You Yangs, coastal scrubs on the Mornington peninsula, Macedon regional park, and the foothills of north-eastern Victoria. Birdline Victoria often reports on wintering birds. Pink Robins tend to stay within cover, either low down or flitting around the canopy, so usually require some patience to see well. The male’s breast truly is pink, rather than the rose pink of the Rose Robin. They are the only Robin to lack any significant amount of white in the tail, and females have tan coloured wing markings, not white.
SOUTHERN SCRUB-ROBIN (Drymodes brunneopygia)
This species occupies a similar range to the Purple-gaped Honeyeater, preferring mallee country with a dense shrub layer, particularly of broombush. A large ground-dwelling Robin which has a slow tail wag, and a curious nature. Pishing is attractive to Scrub-robins, and can often draw them in quite close to investigate what is going on. Once enticed they may hang around for some minutes. They are quite localised in Victoria, through the north-western mallee country, with an isolated population around Kingower and Wedderburn, however they do not occur in suitable habitat close to Bendigo. They reach their highest concentrations in the Little Desert, the Big desert, southern parts of Wyperfeld NP and Wychitella Flora and Fauna reserve near Wedderburn. They do occur widely through the more northern Victorian mallee regions of Hattah and Murray-Sunset, but at lower densities due to the generally more open and drier nature of the habitat there.
They are fairly vocal, but patience is usually required to get a sighting of this bird. The closely related Northern Scrub-robin is strangely found in a completely different habitat and at the other end of the continent !
Excellent sites to try include the Wychitella and Korong Vale blocks of Wychitella Flora and Fauna Reserve, The Discovery Walk in Wyperfeld NP, the Kiata section of the Little Desert.
CHESTNUT-CROWNED BABBLER (Pomatostomus ruficeps) :
There are 3 species of Babblers in Victoria, all found in the north of the state but in different habitats. Australasian Babblers ( or Pseudo-babblers) sit in a separate family to the more widespread Old World Babblers found throughout Asia. Chestnut-crowned Babblers are found in the dry north-west of the state, and their range has, and likely still is contracting for a variety of reasons. They inhabit more open country than the White-browed Babbler which overlaps in range, including open mallee country with samphire and saltbush, lignum and saltbush floodplains, and pine/casuarina woodland where there are plenty of open areas. In Hattah Natinoal Park they occur along river track which follows the Murray, and along Mournpall track in shrublands. They are also widespread around Mildura and west along the Murray river belt ( eg at Neds Corner). Away from the river environs they are more scattered now, in remnant woodlands and along roadsides plus within the Murray-Sunset NP . One or two isolated groups persist in Terrick Terrick NP in the northern part of the forest block. They live in family groups, and sometimes groups merge into larger flocks of 40-50 birds. They appear more slender that the White-browed, and with white wing bars and a sharper border between the white throat and darker head and flanks. They are shy, getting within 30 metres is as good as can be expected.
SPOTTED QUAIL-THRUSH (Cinclosoma punctatum ssp punctatum)
The beautifully marked Spotted Quail-thrush is not an easy bird to find, and is wary of humans, with approach in a vehicle often tolerated more than on foot. They prefer drier forests with little or no shrub layer and an open ground cover of grasses and rocks. In Victoria they are commonest in parts of Gippsland, such as the remote sub-alpine areas and closer to the coast near Bruthen and Lakes Entrance in Ironbark and Stringybark forests. Closer to Melbourne they are found in the Brisbane Ranges NP, and Kinglake NP and Mt Samaria just north of Mansfield where the right habitat occurs. They are also found further inland in central Victoria with good places to try including the Fryers ranges near Castlemaine, Mt Pilot in NE Vic (eg the Old Coach road), and forests around Blackwood, and Hepburn Springs. They feed on the ground amongst leaf litter and tussock grasses, are sedentary and only seem to occur in pairs or small family groups. A good strategy is to drive along bush tracks early in the morning. Alternatively hiking off track through their habitat in the hope of flushing one can work, but not if you walk too slowly as they will evaporate well before you get close. Their loud far carrying song is mainly heard in the summer and especially after rain .
CHESTNUT QUAIL-THRUSH (Cinclosoma castanotum ssp castanotus)
This Quail-thrush only occurs in the driest north-western corner of Victoria in mallee woodlands with plenty of bare ground to feed from, small shrubs and often porcupine grass. Like it’s Spotted cousin they are quite wary of humans, but often allow closer approach in a vehicle. Quiet patient observation is often required for these birds to settle down once disturbed and to continue feeding. They mostly call at dawn or dusk, a little more in the breeding season. The best sites to try include Murray-Sunset NP and Hattah-Kulkyne NP (the mallee sections) and also southern Wyperfeld NP ( Dattuck track).
VARIED SITELLA (Daphoenositta chrysoptera ssp chrysoptera, ssp pileata W.Vic) :
Varied Sitellas are hyperactive little birds, and fill the niche occupied by Nuthatches in Europe. Unlike the Australian Treecreepers which fly to the bottom of a tree trunk and work their way up, Sitellas spend as much time working their way down a tree during their non stop zig-zagging about, and tend to feed in small flocks. Many subspecies occur across Australia with quite a variety of plumage variations and sexual dimorphism, hence the common name “Varied” . The Sitellas of Australia and New Guinea sit in their own family Neosittidae and there are two distinct sub species in Victoria including a zone of intergradation where some birds can show features of both sub species (as in the photo above).
They are found throughout Victoria in timbered habitats, preferring rough barked trees such as Stringybark, Ironbark and Peppermint over smooth barked “Gum” trees. When nearby they are readily found, being so active and regularly calling, but pairs and small groups are quite mobile and spread far apart so can be a difficult bird to target.
CRESTED SHRIKE-TIT (Falcunculus frontatus ssp frontatus) :
Shrike-tits now sit in their own family Falcunculidae, with three isolated subspecies -Eastern, Northern and Western. Crested Shrike-tits hold permanent territories up to 50 hectares and so are easily missed when birding in their habitat. Their call once known is a big help in locating them. They use their chunky bill to rip into places other birds can’t reach such as behind loose bark. They will also feed in the outer foliage, hanging upside down and gleaning from gum leaves. They are widespread in Victoria, but absent from treeless areas and also from the dry north west mallee region. They are commonest in woodlands and forests of River Red Gum, Yellow Box, Manna Gum, and Peppermint. Close to Melbourne the Dandenong Ranges is as good as anywhere to find this bird.
CRESTED BELLBIRD (Oreoica guttaralis ssp guttaralis) :
Previously included in the family Pachycephalidae along with the Whistlers and Crested Shrike-tit, the Australo-Papuan Bellbirds are now in their own family Oreoicidae. A widespread bird through inland Australia, in Victoria they are commonest in the mallee country of the north-west, but also occur in central Victoria’s box-ironbark country from Wedderburn down to Maryborough and across to Nagambie in the east. This southerly population appears to be in decline, and is generally much harder to see, except when they are calling in spring from prominent perches at the tops of trees. Their distinctive ringing song varies in volume as the bird turns on its perch, ventriloquial and hard to pinpoint. They feed on the ground and tend to keep their distance. When nesting they have the unusual habit of decorating the nest with hairy caterpillars which they have immobilised by pinching them.
(Pachycephala olivacea ssp olivacea eVic,
ssp bathychroa Otways, ssp Hesperus ssVic)
Olive Whistlers occur in the coolest and wettest parts of Victoria, where they occupy the understory of shrubs and ferns in alpine areas, rainforests, mountain ash and gully forests and coastal watercourses in paperbark and tea tree scrubs. They are unobtrusive, generally quiet birds who spend a lot of time pondering where their next meal will come from, in classic Whistler style. They have a range of unique and interesting calls. Their distribution map mirrors the high rainfall parts of Victoria, including the far south-west, the Otways, and the mountains of Eastern Victoria. There is some local dispersion in winter, but others remain in the high country. Closer to Melbourne some good areas to look include Toolangi state forest including Mt Tanglefoot and the Wirrawalla rainforest walkl, Mt Donna Buang, the Greater Otways NP eg Moonlight Head, Blanket Bay, Sheoak picnic ground ), and further to the east Cape Liptrap and Wilsons Promontory NP.
RED-LORED WHISTLER (Pachycephala rufogularis)
This rare, localized and enigmatic bird only occurs in the largest tracts of remote mallee country in the Murray-Sunset NP and the Big Desert, where their population density is extremely low, making them a real challenge to find. Spring (Sept to Nov) is the best time to go looking, on a calm day, when their song may be heard, helping to track them down. To make it even harder they are often quite wary of humans despite living in an environment where they would rarely encounter any !
They prefer mallee heaths with porcupine grasses and scrub pine, but not usually very dense areas as they like sites with ample bare ground for feeding. They are also often in stunted habitats on dunes, and nest on or close to the ground. No sites are easy for this bird, which appears to be declining, but the wilderness areas of Murray-Sunset NP are the best chance such as Honeymoon Hut track (between 4 and 6 kms west of Meridian track), Last Hope track, Pheenys track and South Bore track. This country requires 4WD and careful planning to ensure safety.
GILBERTS WHISTLER (Pachycephala inornata)
Although a bird of limited distribution, the Gilberts Whistler occurs in a wide range of dry habitats through the north and north-west of Victoria. Common factors are the presence of medium to mid height shrubs and small trees, such as wattles, cherry ballart, broombush or cypress pines. Outside the breeding season they are generally quiet and easily escape detection however when they become territorial suddenly they can seem to be calling from everywhere. The male is easy to identify, whilst the female requires careful observation as it is similar to the female Golden Whistler which is a little smaller and browner, and without an obvious pale eye-ring.
Good sites for this species include the Terrick Terrick NP ( cypress pine woodland), broombush mallee in the northern parts of the Greater Bendigo NP, Mt Egbert and Mt Korong in the Wedderburn area. They are widely but thinly spread throughout the north-western mallee country, perhaps commonest in shrubby dunes and Cypress pine/Casuarina woodlands such as in the northern part of Wyperfeld (Meridian track), Timberoo reserve, and also in Black Box/Red Gum woodlands along the Murray river where there are plenty of tall shrubs such as wattle and cherry ballart.
BLACK-FACED MONARCH (Monarcha melanopsis) :
The Monarcha flycatchers are mostly tropical birds, but the Black-faced is a regular summer visitor to East Gippsland and parts of the Central highlands. Arriving in October they take up residence in warm temperate rainforest gullies, and other wet gully vegetation where there is a dense canopy. They are less active than other Flycatchers, taking a slower more methodical approach to their hunting for food. They appear to be slowly increasing in the west of their range, ie closer to Melbourne, perhaps due to a warming climate. Some sites near Melbourne include Glen Nayook and Nangara reserve at Neerim, and in the last couple of years at Wirrawalla rainforest in Toolangi
LEADEN FLYCATCHER (Myiagra rubecula ssp rubecula) :
Male Leaden Flycatcher
Leaden Flycatchers are summer migrants arriving from mid October. They occur in eastern Victoria, with very few making it further west. Whilst their range overlaps with the similar Satin Flycatcher, they prefer slightly drier habitats at lower altitudes generally, including the better watered box-ironbark forests of the inland slopes and also in Red Gum woodlands along the upper Murray valley including the Barmah forest. Some sites closer to Melbourne include the Yea Wetlands walk and the Seymour river walk (on the Goulburn river). They are widespread through the lowlands of East Gippsland.
SATIN FLYCATCHER (Myiagra cyanoleuca) :
Male Satin Flycatcher
Satin Flycatchers are summer migrants to Victoria arriving from mid October. They favour eucalypt forests in the foothills and gullies of southern and eastern Victoria where rainfall is over 700mms, also occurring in NE Vic and in mountains up to 1400 metres. They spend much of their feeding time high in the canopy, but do come down to drink and bathe. They can be difficult to identify from the Leaden Flycatcher without close views. In the male key features are the black undertail , glossier plumage (most useful in sunlight) and the curved colour boundary meeting the wing at an acute angle. The female, also similar to female Leaden, has brownish fringes to the wing coverts and secondaries and a blueish crown. Calls are pretty similar. Their neat cup shaped nest is made on a eucalypt branch often high up, and they are parasitised by Brush Cuckoos. Gully forests in the Yarra Ranges and Toolangi State Forest are fairly reliable.
RUFOUS FANTAIL (Rhipidura rufifrons ssp rufifrons) :
One of the last of Victoria’s summer migrants to arrive (late October and November) from Queensland and New Guinea Rufous Fantails breed and feed in the dense and shady understorey of wet forests in the highest rainfall regions of the state below about 1400 metres. The are commonest in the Central highlands and Gippsland but also found in the Otway ranges and far SW Victoria. On migration they are seen in random places such as gardens, coastal scrubs and sometimes drier areas. They are a delight to watch as they flit and fan their wings and tail to disturb insects usually on or low to the ground and sometimes can be quite confiding. Close to Melbourne they are quite common in summer in the dense understorey of the Dandenong Ranges and Yarra Ranges National Parks
OLIVE-BACKED ORIOLE (Oriolus sagittatus ssp sagittatus) :
Olive-backed Orioles are one of the earliest spring migrants to arrive in Victoria from further north, with calling birds from August onwards. They are found throughout central and eastern Victoria, being commonest in eucalypt woodlands of the inland slopes and East Gippsland. Closer to Melbourne they are a regular breeding bird along the Yarra river corridor. Once they cease calling sightings are a little harder to come by, and in winter just a few remain mostly in the box-ironbark country. They are absent from most of western Victoria. Their nest is a tightly woven deep cup suspended in the outer foliage of a tree.
WHITE-BROWED WOODSWALLOW (Artamus superciliosus) :
There are five species of Woodswallows found in Victoria, a genus that is in the family Artamidae which also includes Butcherbirds, Currawongs and the Australian Magpie. Spring in northern Victoria would not be the same without the arrival of swarming flocks of White-browed Woodswallows chirruping high in the sky, and sometimes numbering in thousands. Typically arriving in October they will settle down to breed in a variety of inland woodlands. Smaller flocks reach southern Victoria most years when a northerly wind blows but generally don’t stay long. Male and females look quite different, as do male and female Masked Woodswallows which occur with them in mixed flocks. Genetic studies show the two species are almost identical despite being visually very different. Most leave the state in April with wintering birds being very rare.
GREY CURRAWONG (Strepera versicolor ssp versicolor, ssp melanoptera W.Vic) :
The South-eastern sub species of Grey Currawong “versicolor”
The Grey Currawong is a bird of southern Australia and Tasmania. In Victoria there are two very distinct subspecies. Pictured is the the “grey” version, sub species versicolor, found throughout central and eastern Victoria but absent from the northern plains and the Murray river belt. In western Victoria from the coast to the far north-west the “Black-winged” Currawong race melanoptera is blackish rather than grey. Where it overlaps with the range of the western ssp Ashbyi of Pied Currawong some care is required to separate the two, with some Pieds showing little if any white on the rump. Calls are always very different, and the Grey has a more dagger shaped bill, lacking the curvature on the upper mandible of the Pied. Grey Currawong are usually fairly shy and found alone or in family groups, also differing from the Pied which invades towns and flocks.
APOSTLEBIRD (Struthidea cinerea)
The Apostlebird, and the closely related White-winged Chough make up the family Corcoracidae with its two monotypic genera. Both species build a neat, cup shaped mud nest, as does the unrelated Magpielark. Named for their lifestyle of living in communal clans, with 12 birds being roughly an average group size, but anywhere from 8 to 20 is likely. Each clan behaves as one unit, always chattering and interacting. Nesting duties are shared also. In Victoria they are now confined to two sections of the Murray river belt (in NW Vic and NE Vic), but were once more widespread in dry woodlands of the north. They require permanent water for drinking and nest building. Entertaining to observe, they are often heard before they are seen with their constant chatter as they feed from the ground. The Lake Hattah campground is a reliable place to see them, where they have become very tame.
SATIN BOWERBIRD (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus ssp violaceus)
Occurring in the high rainfall parts of Victoria, the Satin is Australia’s most southerly occurring Bowerbird . The sleek male with his beautiful violet coloured eye, makes a display bower to attract females, decorated with blue items (often of man-made origin!). They are fairly common through the eastern uplands to 1200 metres altitude, and also occur west of Melbourne in the Otway ranges. No regular movements, but there is some flocking in winter, and they are very partial to many types of fruit and berry, and often visit gardens to take advantage of whatever is on offer. Sites to look for this bird include the Otway Ranges where they are widespread and fairly common, the main campsite in Cathedral Range State Park and right through central and eastern Gippsland in gully forests, rainforests and wet scrubs.
ZEBRA FINCH (Taeniopygia guttata)
Zebbies are a bird of the arid zone where there is permanent water. In Victoria they occur across the the open plains of the riverina,along the Murray river where they use orchards and cleared agricultural lands, and to a lesser extent in the Wimmera. There is also a small population on the plains west of Melbourne especially at the Western Treatment Plant. They tend to stay away from tall trees, favoring dense shrubs in open areas, such as Tangled Lignum and the introduced African Boxthorn for shelter and breeding. A popular caged bird worldwide and named after their black and white tail, not because they originated in Africa! Very social and commonly forming groups of 15-30 or 40 birds. They have adapted to the loss of native grasses from the landscape and an increase in permanent watering points has benefited them, but flocks of hundreds are rarely seen in Victoria.
DIAMOND FIRETAIL (Stagonopleura guttata)
This stunningly beautiful finch of drier grassy woodlands had drastically declined in Victoria by the 1950’s, but numbers have perhaps stabilised now. Loss of perennial native grasses and a predominance of introduced weedy winter spring growing annual grasses is undoubtedly to blame as well as historically some trapping for the cage bird trade. When courting the male displays to the female holding a grass stem in his beak, bill pointed downward and he then bobs up and down on a bare branch. They build a bulky straw nest in a dense shrub or mistletoe clump. They are also known for building their nests in the base of Eagle’s nests ! They are widespread through the inland slopes of Victoria, but seeing flocks of any size is rare now. In the heat of summer they drink regularly. Closer to Melbourne they may still be found at Eynesbury Grey Box forest and around the edges of the Brisbane Ranges NP.
(Stagonopleura bella ssp bella, ssp interposita far swVic)
Like the Pink Robin, the Beautiful Firetail is more easily found in Tasmania, however it does occur in a fragmented distribution, along much of Victoria’s coast and near coastal areas. They like well vegetated watercourses with dense tall shrubs, where there are plenty of seeding grasses, including coastal dunes as well as heathy woodlands and wet gullies away from the coast. At a distance they are an average looking bird, but at close range their “beautiful” tag is realised. They are locally nomadic depending on availability of seeding grasses, there one week, gone the next. Hotspots in Victoria would be the far south-west near Portland and Nelson, the Otway Ranges ( Cape Otway, Blanket Bay, Carlisle river) Bunyip state park (although recent fires have reduced habitat there), Wilson’s Promontory, Cape Liptrap Coastal Park and far East Gippsland (eg Yeerung river crossing in Cape Conran, and Mallacoota airfield). They can respond to “pishing”
MISTLETOEBIRD (DIcaeum hirundinaceum)
The tiny Mistletoebird is mainland Australia’s only member of the widespread Asian family Flowerpeckers. Their diet is almost entirely made up of mistletoe fruit, and occasionally other fruits and insects. They may be found right across Victoria in most habitats as there are many species of Mistletoe parasitising many different native trees. Although present all year, they are somewhat nomadic following the fruiting, with spring and summer being the main breeding season. The sticky fruits pass through them quickly and when defecating they do so sideways on the branches, hence depositing the seed in the right place to germinate ! They are powerful and fast in the air and very active, not sitting still for long. Best to listen for their calls and look for trees with mistletoe growing (appear as clumps of foliage usually with leaves of a different shape and colour to the host tree). The weave a pear shaped nest using spiders web which hangs from out branches.
WHITE-BACKED SWALLOW (Cheramoeca leucosterna)
Australia’s only endemic Swallow, they are found in the north and north west of Victoria usually feeding not far from their nesting and roosting sites in burrows dug into vertical embankments, road and rail cuttings, gypsum piles and riverbanks. They roost communally within their burrows and may become torpid in very cold weather. When nesting just one pair uses a burrow. During the day they spend much of their time on the wing and tend to fly higher than the Welcome Swallow, only occasionally coming to perch on dead snags of trees or to visit their burrows when breeding. Their numbers are likely limited by available nest sites, as such they are scarce and localised
BROWN SONGLARK (Cincloramphus cruralis)
Male Brown Songlark
The Songlarks in Australia (Rufous and Brown) are allied with the Old World Warblers and recent studies have shown them closest to Acrocephalus, however they are alloted their own genus Cincloramphus. Most arrive in spring and summer from further north with a few remaining in winter . They are nomadic, taking advantage of good rainfall so their numbers fluctuate from year to year. Brown Songlarks live in treeless areas and are commonest in the north and north-west using grasslands, crops and low samphire shrublands, always a safe distance away from trees. In bumper years they appear in southern Victoria also. They perform a display flight to deliver their distinctive scratchy song, and then parachute back down to earth with their long legs dangling. The male is bigger and darker brown than the female, which could easily be confused with a Pipit except for its much longer legs and flight pattern with long tail and whirring wings interspersed with short glides. Males commonly perch on fence posts with their tails cocked in the air and can be very approachable in a vehicle
BASSIAN THRUSH ( ssp lunulata - South-Eastern)
The Bassian Thrush is unmistakable in this region, although further north in the sub-tropics the Russet-tailed Thrush is similar. Living in the high rainfall areas of Victoria with above 800mms annually, this unobtrusive bird of the forest floor is mostly sedentary but some do disperse a little in the winter. Always found in damp vegetation where it has an uncanny knack of locating insects and earthworms in the leaf litter. When feeding it stops and listens, pouncing when the time is right. They can be quite hard to find, but once located may be very confiding. They breed in late winter and early spring, and sing mostly in the twilight periods of dawn and dusk. Commonest in the wet forests of the uplands and coastal areas throughout Gippsland, the Otway ranges, the Grampians and far SW Victoria. Early and late in the day can be the best time to look for this bird, when they often feed along grassy verges of wet forests and in grassy picnic grounds and clearings close to forest when there is less disturbance.